“A Place To Be Refreshed”
Harbor Rock Tabernacle takes its name from Biblical concepts, and we strongly believe that the Lord gave us this unique name for our church. Harbor denotes a place where those who have been laboring come in to be refreshed, strengthened and restocked for the work to be done.
While in the harbor, there is refuge and safety, and the opportunity to experience the joy of the community of family and friends. It also has a regional significance, as Racine and SE Wisconsin are known for the harbors along the shore of Lake Michigan.
The word Rock has many uses in the Bible, most often as a descriptive Name for the Lord, Who is our Rock and our Strength. A rock was used for the 10 Commandments, the Israelites built a memorial of 12 rocks after they crossed the Jordan into the Promised Land, the wise man built his house on the rock, Jerusalem is built on a rock, Jesus was crucified at a rock and rose again out of a tomb built out of rock, and Jesus told Peter (which means rock) that on him He would build His church. And the concept of the Tabernacle reminds us of the place where the presence of the Lord would come down and meet with His people.
We fervently pray and desire that Harbor Rock Tabernacle will be a place where He meets us each time we gather, and that His presence and His power will be among us. Right before our first church service, the Lord led us to Psalm 27:5 as a final confirmation, as it has all the elements of our church’s name: “For in the day of trouble, He will conceal me in His tabernacle; In the secret place of His tent, He will hide me; He will lift me up on a rock.”
The logo as designed to reflect the name of the church and the value of the solid foundation of Biblical truth. The birds are a visual metaphor to convey a sense of freedom, family, leadership, movement and the Holy Spirit. The rock wall at the bottom of the logo also reflects our harbor location along Lake Michigan.